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SKU: 0981-11

The AB-119 Rubber Pants - Perfect fit for ABDL lovers. 1 cm wide leg and waist cuffs for comfort and safety. Variety of colors and designs available.


SKU: 0119
SKU: 0122-32-024

Der seitlich knöpfbare Bengalgummi -Slip ist geeignet bei schwerer Inkontinenz. Besonders Vorteilhaft ist die knöpfbarkeit bei liegenden Personen oder bei zu pflegenden Personen mit einer Einschränkung der Beweglichkeit. Durch das seitliche öffnen lässt sich das verwendete Inkontinensmaterial leicht und schnell wechsen. Ein entkleiden des Beinbereiches ist somit nicht mehr erforderlich. Zudem bietet die obere Knopfleiste die Möglichkeit die Bundweite an beiden Seiten zu verstellen. Die stabilen Druckknöpfe sind aus nickelfreiem Metall gearbeitet. Die Nähte der Hose sind sicher verarbeitet. Somit bietet dieser Slip einen hohen Sicherheitsstandard welcher austreten von Flüssigkeit verhindern soll.



SKU: 1249-30
SKU: 0122-29
SKU: 0122-32-013

Immerse yourself in the world of Omutsu cloth diapers! Our super fluffy and thick diaper pants bring color and fun into your life. With their playful and elaborate colorful designs, you are guaranteed to stand out.

The quality of our diaper pants is unmatched. They are particularly thick, ensuring maximum protection and comfort. Whether you wear them during the day or at night, these diaper pants will keep you dry and satisfied.

The Velcro closure allows for almost unlimited adjustment of the diaper pants, so they can be perfectly tailored to your individual needs. No need to worry if your size changes or if you have different wearing preferences - these diaper pants will adapt to you.

And the best part? Our diaper pants are machine washable! No more laborious handwashing required. Simply toss them in the washing machine, clean them, and reuse them. This saves time and energy.

The advantage of these eye-catching and thick cloth diaper pants is undeniable. They exude self-confidence and individuality. Whether you wear them for medical reasons or simply enjoy colorful diapers, with Omutsu, you're always stylish on the go.

Discover the world of Omutsu cloth diapers today and let their quality and versatility convince you. Show the world your unique style and enjoy the comfort that only Omutsu can provide.

SKU: 0122-45-046
Mondo rubber pants made of PVC or patent fabric, cut chest high with 4 cm wide elastic bands, ideal for comfortable sweating and as an odor-proof closure for ABDL diapers. Available in many colors
SKU: 0044

The Magnus slip-on PVC pants are the perfect choice for those looking for a quality and functional solution to their diaper needs. With a wide range of colors and sizes, these pants offer not only comfort but also style for ABDL (Adult Baby Diaper Lover), DL (Diaper Lover) and Sissy Teen babies.

SKU: 1835
SKU: 0066